Web Infrastructure


How to host a website: the hard way. Web Infrastructure is about building a robust and scalable hosting platform for web-based services. There’s a lot to say, so go read up on it!



Infrastructure technologies provides a package repository for ebbs and will, someday, also provide a repo for Biology modules. The goal of this project is to provide a reference point for all eons tools to synchronize with and maintain state through.

Sample Analysis and Manager


Generalized framework for scientific data analysis. Design in short: Self-registering functors with reflection to and from json for use with arbitrary data structures.

Basic Build System


Organize projects in a way that makes sense. Don’t change your code to fit your build system! The main purpose of this project is to provide a build tool that can be applied to all code, regardless of the language, and simplify dev ops. Language and operation specific functions can be synced to and from…

Python Framework


Make it easy to build modular and extensible applications! In short, this framework will search for and make available code from the local filesystem, rather than what was shipped with the package. This allows user-defined processes to use the same commands and apis, making them easily sharable and adaptable.

Motor: The Develop Biology Mascot

Develop Biology


Framework for translating advancements between biological sciences and computer science. This framework was initially developed to implement models of drosophila neurology in embedded systems for real-time learning and life-like behavior. It has since been iterated on and serves as a general means of implementing biological models into computer code. The primary challenge that this framework…



Science has some major problems: paid publications and competitive grant funding to start. Constellatus aims to take open-source software development processes and apply them to research. It will serve as an information repository for all human knowledge and a platform for collaborating, publishing, and learning across all disciplines. This gargantuan problem is solved through a…